Friday 19 June 2015

Is There Anything Like Over Doing When It Comes To Massage

Massage is enjoyable and of course Relaxing. Whether you have a massage to improve your athletic skills or to socialize with your friends, it definitely works.

Being a massage training provider for many years we of course are big fans of massage therapy. We are often determined to sing its praises and truly so, it can actually help make you feel well again and reduce stress and if used in the right manner it can help athletes reach new heights. Nevertheless, it is as well our duty to have a look at the other side of the fence. When it comes to massage, is there such a thing as over treating?

Massage is great for you

Let’s start answering this question by considering the good points first. If we couldn’t do this we couldn’t assess the risk of over treatment.

Regular massage treatments can be actually rewarding for the patient. In many cases a patient will enjoy stress release from a session. A patient can expect to feel better physically after treatment. If you’re an athlete you can expect massage to increase the rate of recovery for your sore muscles and thus increase the number of times to train.

If you have a therapist you know, who knows what they’re doing then there actually is no danger from regular sessions.

Be careful overdoing it

No one knows their body better than you, however that being said, as with most things in life, there is such a thing as overdoing it. The same is true with massage. It is very imperative to remember that lots of massage sessions can really cause damage.

If the therapist doesn’t know your body well enough, doesn’t know what it can handle then you need to be more careful and listen to your body yourself. It is definitely possible that too much massage can aggravate existing problems or cause new injuries. It is also true that at times you should be referred to a perth thai massage specialist, and massage therapy can actually delay the treatment of an injury. You need to speak to your Thai massage expert about the right amount of massage you need.

We all believe that there is such a thing as over treating and you should be aware of it. But on the whole, massage therapy is nothing but a positive experience that helps one to recover from over exertion and injuries, it helps one reduce stress and also relax.


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