Sunday 3 February 2013

How to Choose the Best Baby Carrier for Your Child

Various baby transport techniques have been used across different cultures. Baby carriers are divided into two major types the wheeled devices and slings. The first wheeled baby carriers were referred to as prams. They were mainly designed of wood and were very light to push around. A well known garden architect Kent William coined their designed in the year 1733. From then, the prams have undergone progressive changes meant to improve their efficiency and to reduce their weight. Slings are the most favorite of all on-body baby carriers. They include backpack carriers and front carriers. They are generally used for very young children who lack the ability to seat or hold their backs up and straight. For those with young children, it is advisable that they know how to choose the best baby carrier for their children, below are the various ways on how to.

 1.  Consider The Baby’s Safety

When choosing the appropriate baby carrier for your child, it is important to consider the safety of the child. It is greatly advised that parents with very young children use baby slings. Baby sling backpacks are the most common and they allow the parent to work while carrying the baby around. However it is greatly advised not to do strenuous work when carrying the baby with a sling. This is because incase of a slight accident it is easy to harm the child when you fall on your back. As a precaution incase of an accident, modern sling designers have come up with the front slings. Front slings allow the parent to always be on the look out on whatever is happening to the child. Incase an accident happens and one falls on the front side, it is easy to protect the child from injury using the arms.

2.  Consider The Baby’s Age

It is very important to consider the baby’s age when purchasing a baby carrier. Parents with very young children are greatly advised to use slings instead of wheeled devices. This is because very young children lack the proper strength to hold their backs straight and also find it very hard to sit. Later on as the child’s age increases and their backs gain the strength to stay up straight and sit, the parent can consider purchasing other types of baby carriers.

3.  Price

Most wheeled baby carriers are expensive compared to baby slings. When purchasing a baby carrier for your child, it is important to consider the price before making the purchase. Most people rush and buy expensive baby carriers because of fashion or influence only to discover later on that the baby carrier serves them very little purpose yet they have spent a lot to buy them.

4.  Efficiency

It is greatly advocated that you try and find out the most efficient baby carrier for you. Baby carriers come with different efficiencies that make them the favorites among different classes of people in society.
For example, among the wheeled baby carriers, the tricycle is considered the most efficient among parents who like to go out jogging or walking with their babies. The baby carrier should be able to support the weight of the baby securely and comfortably for both baby and carer.


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