Wednesday 15 October 2014

What Type Of Flooring Is Best For Office Use

With businesses growing and the economy stable, new offices crop up on a daily basis. Yet the message that your office will send out to your clients is important. The moment a client steps into it, its outlook is something that rings volumes. Office floors have indeed been used to send signature statements to clients. How an office floor looks is very important to creating the mood for business. While we may consider interior décor as the most important aspect, we should be aware of the floors influence to it. The type of flooring a company chooses for its office articulates it’s kind of business and how much they value their clients. Therefore when putting up an office pay close attention to the floor. Here are a few pointers to the best office floors.  

Hardwood Floors

Usually hardwood floors make a great addition to your office. The fact that they do not absorb dust or any other form of dirt makes it super ideal. In most cases hardwood flooring has been considered “stain friendly” since it’s easy to remove stains from it. Unlike carpet floors for instance, that are hard to maintain and may lose their luster after sometime due to stains. While hardwood floors may come in solid wood flooring it also has a great option. The engineered wood floors tend to stand out for office use. This type of flooring is usually manufactured using three to nine layers of wood. Since the grain of each layer runs in different directions, engineered wood flooring is stable. And with the top layer consisting of high quality wood sanding is an option.

Laminate Floors

Another great option for an office floors is the laminate wood flooring. The most common design of laminate floor is set to imitate wood flooring. Since it is not a real wood, it is easy to install. The lamination can be done with or without glue. Without glue the lamination uses grooves that snap and interlock. While pre glued lamination usually has glue applied to the planks. With a little dampening the glue becomes active and the floor can be set. This set of flooring just like that made of hardwood is super durable. It is also scratch resistant and does not crack easily. Laminate comes in these main forms. Firstly embossed laminate usually applies heat and pressure to the laminate for a raised surface finish. Also there is patina laminate that applies a thin layer of paint to an embossed laminate surface. The paint is then wiped out to create a patina appearance.

Vinyl Floor

While hardwood flooring cost may pinch your pocket, vinyl will save your day. Quite affordable compared to other flooring options, vinyl is loved by many. It comes in variety of patterns to choose from thus making your options endless. Easy to clean, maintain, and with colors and patterns to match your interior décor, vinyl will add class to your office. And though the colors may fade with time its durability is undoubted.       

For a business impression is everything and flooring adds this quality. So once you decide to go business, pay close attention to flooring when it comes to setting an office.       


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