Tuesday 2 December 2014

How My Smart Watch Assisted Me As A Teen

When I turned eighteen the only thing I wanted for a gift was a smart watch. Usually my desire to own a personal smart watch came from the fact that I had grown so much fascinated by what I had seen my dad use his smart watch for. But at eighteen I did not own a Smartphone that could synchronize with a smart watch so my reason for wanting a smart watch was simply world apart from my dad’s I believe. 

Firstly just like any other teenager at my age I found it fun to own an ideal smart watch since it would remind me on time to hang out with my pals. A soccer match within the week, work out time at the gym, cycling within the park, and probably a lovely picnic. So basically my smart watch was used to keep me up to date with the current activities, and to keep our activities calendar within reach. You know the fact that you never just want to miss out on anything. 

Then as a teen when I dint want to hang-out with my pals in real time, I had to find something that could keep me busy. Ideally busy in the right way and so when I got my smart watch I simply said goodbye to idle times. The games in my smart watch were enough to see me through the lonely times. Awesome puzzles and downloaded games were always right on my wrist and easy at my grasp. 

Another thing that just made my smart watch to kill it was how awesome it browsed the web. Talk of downloading the latest music in the market, my watch was always there. If it was the current news of the day, it just didn’t disappoint. Every time my cricket team won I didn’t even need to wait for the news. A simple pop up on my phone’s screen and I was good to go. 

Yet before I forget I never missed my loved one’s birthdays. I bought my gifts on time, I wrapped them in time, and I delivered them at the perfect time. Simply fantastic I must say, right? How my smart watch shaped my world and turned me in to a role model of y peers. 

Do not be cheated though, smart watches must be taken care of to last. So while I took my time to enjoy every application that my smart watch came with, I also took my time to properly care for it. From cleaning to operation I was always on point with my smart watch. In fact to learn more you can visit this link and find out how to take care of your smart watch in the most ideal way.  
Every time I had my smart watch fastened in my wrist I felt safe because I knew danger would be pointed long before it hit me. A coming storm could be avoided and so was heavy traffic. So if you have a chance to grab one do not ignore it.  


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