Monday 13 July 2015

Building A Website: What You Need To Know Before You Start

It sounds easy. “You need to have a website”, they advise, “Just get a website”, they say. Unfortunately, building a website isn’t as easy as that. The number of businesses with a website is ever growing, so it is vital that your business has one too if you want to compete in the business world today. And for it to be really effective, your website can’t just be good- it needs to be outstanding!
 While we all have some notion about what we want in our business’s website, there are some points that are important to know before you start out. Once you know the basics, you can then go out a find a company who can help you to realize your dream site. The more precise that you can be with what you want; the more likely they will be to give you your perfect site. There are great web development companies all over the road, but Las Vegas web developers are amongst the world’s best and creative.

So what do you need to know before you get in touch with a web developer?
     Try to have in your head a good idea of exactly what you want. What information do you want to display, what kind of general look are you after, what kind of tone – formal, light-hearted etc., colours, what information do you want from your site – do you want visitors to give information by say, subscribing to a newsletter? Remember, this website is probably going to be the face of your company in years to come, so it is important that you consider what impression you want to put out.
     If you haven’t already got one, get a web address. Try to get an address which suits your business – preferably with the company name itself in there, and try to make it something that is easy to remember. Buying a web address isn’t expensive, so you might want to think about buying a few different versions – giving you both flexibility and stopping your rivals from getting it.
     Get an understanding of different navigation styles. Do you want drop down boxes, a horizontal or vertical bar linking everything from the home page, sporadic links, etc? Remember though – the easier it is to navigate your site, the better.
     Give your designer a list of information that you want on the site – products, company director profiles, company history, maybe a forum, links to social media, company address, and contact details. You should also think about your target audience – if you are a site for people with vision problems, you may want to use slightly bigger writing, in more contrasting colors.
     Your website can also give you an opportunity to engage with your customers. You can sell your product, blog, collect contact details for people requiring a quote, or add in a subscription to an e-newsletter which will give you an email list.
Now that you are a little more clued up on how your sparkly new website will work, you can speak to a web developer and make your vision come to life.
If you are looking for a Las Vegas web development team committed to excellence, get in touch with us!


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