Friday 1 January 2016

How To Get A Cheap Car Insurance If You Are A Young Driver

Many young people in Mexico own cars today. Therefore they will need a car insurance to go along with their cars. However many auto insurance companies in Mexico have very high premiums for young drivers. Here are the reasons why. 

  • Young drivers love speed and this easily gets them into accidents.
  • Young drivers lack enough driving experience making them high risks.
  • Young drivers haven’t built up on No Claim Bonus that could cut on their rates.
All these three factors when combined will definitely push young drivers’ rates on the high. And with many research stats showing they are prone to accidents many companies will still calculate the premiums in line with the stats. Here are some of the things you’d do to get cheap insurance if you are a young driver. 

Seek Additional Qualifications

Getting an extra driving qualification will make you a better risk. It will attest to your new skills and prove that you have an extra tip on how to maneuver the roads. Meaning, you are a confident driver with lesser odds of causing any accidents on the roads. In Mexico such additional driving courses will take less than one day and should be taken from recognized institutions. Failure to do so, they wouldn’t even affect your premiums to be better.

Pay Only For What You Need

Many young drivers don’t take their time to determine the exact type of insurance that they need. They could settle for comprehensive when ideally all they need is a third party policy, or simply collision coverage. When you take what you don’t need it will inflate your premiums and trickle down to your pockets. So consider all relevant factors before going for an auto policy in Mexico. Here are some tips that can guide you. 

  • If you live in high end crime zones, comprehensive will cover for everything.
  • If your car passengers a lot, third party will be ideal incase of any eventuality.
  • If you drive through high traffic areas, consider collision coverage any day.

Increase on Deductibles

If you choose to increase the amount of money you pay upfront before making a claim usually called deductibles it could also bring down your insurance policy by a great margin. However at this point be very careful not to exceed your capacity. In fact before deciding on what you should pay, take your time to value your car, know its type, and understand what you could lose in case you got involved in any accident.

Add An Experienced Driver

Another option that Mexico Auto Insurance proposes is to add an experienced driver in your cover. An older person will be the most ideal person to add. This step reassures that policy giver that you’re not the only one driving the car. However ensure the car is in the main driver’s name.

Consider Annual Payment

If you consider annual payments you will find that the package could have some discounts that would help you to reduce drastically on your overall insurance premiums. 

You can also make your car more secure by adding more security features such as trackers, anti theft locks, and car alarms among the rest,. Many companies look at this as the bets protective measure and will cut down on overall costs.


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